Phoenix Park is seeking Recycling Partner(s) for a Greener Relationship!

Phoenix Park’s ambition is to establish our own recycling project on the journey to realising our ambition of becoming a 100% carbon free green space powered by the sun, wind and recyclables.

One way for the community to access Phoenix’s leisure activities could be through recycling. A modern mobile app and website could record the amount and value of recyclables deposited at Phoenix collection points in schools, at community drop off points in supermarkets and at local meeting points. Recyclable ‘deposits’, shown as a value on the app, could be converted into a Phoenix experience and once targets are reached, provide the app holder the opportunity to book a special one-day experience at Phoenix as an individual, or within a group participating in the Phoenix Park Recycling Project.

This is just one idea. There will undoubtedly be others, such as estuary and riverbank clean-up initiatives along the River Ribble. Every day plastic arrives as the tide washes up the Estuary only to wash out again and again to eventually lie on the bottom of our oceans further polluting the planet and contributing towards climate change.

In addition to recycling, we are also interested in exploring opportunities to generate energy through renewables. The waste gathered through recycling could be sold back into the market place, but how exciting would it be to use some, if not all of the waste collected, to help power the leisure activities on the site. Those leisure activities could then be used by the collectors at no cost.

Interested in any of the above projects or have ideas to share? If so, we’d love to hear from you!

Phoenix Park is seeking a partner, or partners, in our ambition to set up a Phoenix Recycling and Renewables Projects. If you would like to get involved, or have ideas to share, please get in touch via We’d love to hear from you.